BlockchainMultiSniper User Guide
Here you can find all the information you need to setup and use BlockchainMultiSniper. Current guide has been updated for BlockchainMultiSniper v2.0.8 Beta.
- A Windows, Mac, or Linux computer
- A reasonably fast internet connection
- An ethereum-based wallet address and private key (not seed phrase)
- A blockchain node (either use a free node or a private/full node)
- Enough crypto in your wallet to snipe tokens / pay gas fees (and other paired tokens if you choose a different liquidity pair address, eg. BUSD)
- A tier (if you haven’t got a tier yet, get one here).
Make sure that the wallet you are using is the same wallet that you have used to buy a tier.
How to install / run
- Download the latest version of the bot from the downloads page if you haven’t done so already.
Unzip the bot files into a new folder.
- Edit the config.json file with your parameters.
- In command prompt, navigate to the bot folder and run: BlockchainMultiSniper-<version>.exe
- Edit the config.json file with your parameters.
- In terminal, navigate to the bot folder and run: ./BlockchainMultiSniper-<version>
- (If you have permission issues, you may need to go into Security and Privacy in system preferences and allow the BlockchainMultiSniper to run)
- Edit the config.json file with your parameters.
- Navigate to the bot folder in terminal and run: ./BlockchainMultiSniper-<version>
Replace <version> with the executable version you are using, for example: ./BlockchainMultiSniper-macos-arm64
Config settings
Parameter | Meaning |
walletAddress | Your wallet’s address. |
walletPrivateKey | Private key for your wallet. |
blockchainNode | Blockchain node URL. |
routerAddress | Router address of the exchange you wish to snipe on (to find router addresses, go to supported blockchains / DEXs). |
txType | The transaction type identifier. TX types 0 and 2 are currently supported - use 0 for more basic networks like BSC, 2 for networks that support EIP-1559 standard like Polygon and Ethereum. |
(0) autoFeeCalculation | Automatically determine best gas price - overrides buyGasPrice, set to true to enable. |
(0) buyGasPrice | The gas price to pay for buy transactions, measured in gwei. |
(0) buyGasLimit | The gas limit for buy transactions. |
(0) sellGasPrice | The gas price to pay for sell transactions, measured in gwei. |
(0) sellGasLimit | The gas limit for sell transactions. |
(2) autoFeeCalculation | Automatically determine best gas price - overrides buyGasPrice, set to true to enable. |
(2) autoFeePriority | Determines how much gas you are willing to pay for TX. Acceptable values: 'LOW', 'MEDIUM', 'HIGH'. |
(2) buyMaxPriorityFeePerGas | The maximum priority fee per gas for buy transactions using EIP-1559. |
(2) buyMaxFeePerGas | The maximum fee per gas for buy transactions using EIP-1559. |
(2) buyGasLimit | The gas limit for buy transactions. |
(2) sellMaxPriorityFeePerGas | The maximum priority fee per gas for sell transactions using EIP-1559. |
(2) sellMaxFeePerGas | The maximum fee per gas for sell transactions using EIP-1559. |
(2) buyGasLimit | The gas limit for buy transactions. |
liquidityPairs | Liquidity pair addresses to use for sniping, e.g., BNB, BUSD, ETH, etc. |
simulationMode | Simulate token buying / selling without spending anything (ie. paper trading). Set to true to enable. |
buyTokens | Set to true by default. Set to false if you only want the bot to buy tokens and sell later. |
sellTokens | Set to true by default. Set to false if you only want the bot to buy tokens and sell later. |
maxAllowedSnipes | Number of tokens the bot will buy before stopping buying. Set to any number or -1 to disable (no limit). |
findOptimumLiquidityPair | Automatically check token trading with each liquidity to find the most price efficient pair. Set to true by default. |
processPairAddresses | Automatically check contract addresses in messages to see if it is a pair address. If it is then it will extract token address and buy token. |
slippagePercentage | Slippage amount for buy transactions. Acceptable value ranges from 0 to 100, 0 = no tolerance, 100 = full tolerance. |
transactionRevertTime | Amount of time in seconds before a buy transaction will revert. Recommended to set to a low time period, e.g., 30 seconds. |
sellMode | Choose which sell mode to use. 1 is for basic autosell, 2 for sell after time delay, 3 for trailing stop loss. |
sellPercentage | Sets the amount of tokens you want to sell. Set to 100 by default (100%). |
basicAutosell / stopLossMultiplier | Stop loss multiplier for basic autosell mode, e.g., if set to 0.5, the bot will sell tokens if the price goes below 0.5x. |
basicAutoSell / autoSellMultiplier | Auto sell multiplier for basic autosell mode, e.g., if set to 2, the bot will sell tokens if the price goes above 2x. |
sellAfterTimeDelay / blocksToWait | Amount of blocks to wait after buy TX until selling - block time depends on the network, e.g., for BSC, 10 = 30 seconds. |
trailingStopLoss / minMultiplier | Minimum price multiplier before TSL will activate, e.g., if set to 2 then TSL will not work until the price is at least 2x. |
trailingStopLoss / trailMultiplierAmount | Trail amount in price multiplier amount, e.g., if set to 0.5 and the price goes from 5x to below 0.45x, the bot would auto sell. |
trailingStopLoss / hardcap | Price multiplier hardcap, e.g., if set to 10 and the price hits 10x, the bot will sell - set to -1 to disable (no hardcap). |
tradingCheckerSettings / maxBuyFee | Max allowable buy fee for token, e.g., if set to 25 then the token won’t be bought if the buy fee is over 25%. |
tradingCheckerSettings / maxSellFee | Max allowable sell fee for token, e.g., if set to 25 then the token won’t be bought if the sell fee is over 25%. |
tradingCheckerSettings / enableTradingCheck | Enable trading check to check if tokens are scams before trying to buy. Set to true by default. |
telegramSettings / apiID | API ID for your Telegram account. You can obtain this by going to and creating a new Telegram app. |
telegramSettings / apiHash | API hash for your Telegram account. Obtain this in the same way as API ID (shown next to API ID). |
telegramSettings / userID | (Optional): user ID for your Telegram account. Obtain this by using @getChatIDsBot on Telegram and select user / your username (might be called ‘saved messages’). Enter this if using Telegram notifications. |
telegramChannels | Details about your Telegram channels. Add them in the bot menu. |
enablePriceLogging | Enables price updates on bot console. Set to true by default. |
constantPriceLogging | If set to true, the bot will always log the price of the token for each block even if the price hasn’t changed. If set to false, the price will only be displayed again if the price has changed. |
enableTelegramNotifications | Allows bot to send you a Telegram message whenever it buys or sells a token. You must enter your userID to use this feature. |
Gas prices fluctuate frequently for each network. To get a good idea of what gas price to use, use a gas price checker tool such as
Liquidity pairs must follow the following format:
"liquidityPairs": [
2 liquidity pairs are shown in the example above.
For each liquidity pair, there are 5 required values:
- Liquidity pair address: the token address of the liquidity pair
- Buy amount: the amount of the liquidity pair to buy eg. 0.01 for 0.01 BNB
- Token symbol: the token symbol of the liquidity pair eg. BNB, ETH
- Minimum liquidity amount: the minimum liquidity amount that the token to buy must have.
- Maximum liquidity amount: the maximum liquidity amount that the token to buy must have.
You must adhere to the correct standard or the bot will not work.
If findOptimumLiquidityPair is enabled, make sure that the token buy amounts for each liquidity pair listed are approximately equal to each other in value, eg. in the example above we are assuming 0.01 BNB is approximately equal to 3 BUSD. The buy amounts need to be equal to each other so the bot can calculate the most price efficient pair when sniping a token.
Bot interface
After the bot has loaded and your configuration is correct, you will see a menu with multiple options. Use option 1 to run the bot and option 2 to add Telegram channels.
Follow the steps in the bot to add / remove Telegram channels.
After the bot has bought a token, it will automatically be sold according to your config (basic autosell, sell after time delay, trailing stop loss). To sell a token instantly, press the spacebar and enter the snipe ID of the token you want to sell.
- Incorrectly configured config.json file: if you encounter issues with the config.json file, you can use a JSON formatter/validator like CuriousConcept JSON formatter. Paste the contents of your config.json file into the validator, click on Process, and it will identify any issues. Make sure you have used the correct symbols, such as double quotes (\”), single quotes (‘), braces ({ }), brackets ([ ]), etc. Also, ensure that you save the config.json file with the correct encoding (ANSI).
How to spot / avoid scams
Crypto is unfortunately full of scams, however with some basic knowledge you can avoid the majority of them.
The most common scam is a rugpull, where after the token has been active liquidity is withdrawn, resulting in loss of funds for everyone except the scammer. There are typically two ways this can happen:
Removing liquidity: assuming there is no liquidity lock, the token developer sends a remove liquidity transaction, all the liquidity gets removed and all the funds end up in the scammer’s wallet.
Token minting: assuming there is a function in the token contract to mint (create) new tokens, the scammer will mint new tokens which goes to his address. This means that in relation to everyone else, the scammer will hold the vast majority of the total tokens available (eg. 99.99%). The scammer will sell all his newly minted tokens and he will get all or almost all of the remaining liquidity as his share of token supply is huge compared to everyone else.
Another variation is a honeypot, where tokens can be bought but not sold, effectively trapping your funds so you can’t sell. The token will then likely be rug pulled later.
To avoid scams:
Use reputable Telegram channels. Some popular channels are @cmc_fastest_alerts and @cg_fastest_alerts, although you will have to research.
- Check if the token contract address is available in the associated Telegram (TG) channel. Look for the pinned message and make sure it comes from an admin.
- Use a blockchain explorer ( to check if the token’s contract is verified.
- Use tools like to analyse the token’s code for any red flags.
- Be cautious of tokens without locked liquidity, as they are susceptible to rugpulls.
Additional tools to help detect and avoid scams:
Please bear in mind that these checks may not be 100% accurate all the time and you should use careful judgement when choosing what token to snipe.