Try out 2 of the most advanced crypto sniping bots today.

BlockchainTokenSniper is a collection of advanced crypto sniping bots, including features such as mempool sniping, Telegram channel sniping, multiple sell modes and more for efficient sniping and maximum profit.

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BlockchainTokenSniper is currently in beta and is still being tested. We are working hard to add new features and fix any bugs we become aware of, although if you find a bug or have any other suggestions / questions please don’t hesitate to contact @BytePhoenix on Telegram.

BlockchainTokenSniper currently consists of 2 bots:

  • BlockchainLaunchSniper
  • BlockchainMultiSniper


BlockchainLaunchSniper is a bot that can automatically buy / snipe a new token and sell it when profitable on any exchange on any configured EVM-compatible blockchain.

The bot allows you to snipe new token launches paired with any token (e.g. BNB, BUSD, ETH). It has the ability to mempool snipe and will instantly buy when liquidity is added, sniping in the same block as the add liquidity transaction. It updates the price and shows you the profit you’ve made and has 4 sell modes (manual selling with hotkeys, basic autosell, sell after time delay or trailing stop loss).


  • Supports Windows, Mac & Linux
  • Supports multiple sniping options:
    • mempool sniping
    • buying after trading is enabled
    • buying as soon as token address is entered
    • buying at certain timestamp
  • Multiple sell modes:
    • Manual selling with hotkeys
    • Basic auto-sell
    • Sell after time delay
    • Trailing stop loss
  • Honeypot / antibot checker (can repeatedly check token each block until tradable)
  • Partial sell (eg. sell 10-90% of tokens with hotkeys then sell the rest later)
  • Configurable anti-bot delay (e.g. wait X amount of seconds before sniping)
  • Price updates every block showing current block, profit multiplier (eg. 1.5x, 2x) and current value of tokens
  • Easy-to-use config file to change a wide variety of settings
  • And much more…


BlockchainMultiSniper is a bot that automatically buys new tokens from Telegram channels and sells them when profitable on any exchange on any configured EVM-compatible blockchain.

The bot allows you to buy new tokens paired with any token (e.g. BNB, BUSD, ETH). The bot updates the price of each token and shows you the profit you’ve made. It also has 3 sell modes (basic autosell, sell after time delay or trailing stop loss).


  • Supports Windows, Mac & Linux
  • Supports public and private Telegram channels
  • Supports whitelisted and blacklisted text
  • Multiple sell modes:
    • Basic auto-sell
    • Sell after time delay
    • Trailing stop loss
  • Honeypot / antibot checker (can repeatedly check token each block until tradable)
  • Supports multiple liquidity pairs
  • Can compare different liquidity pairs with tokens to find most price-efficient pair
  • Can configure sell percentage to be less than 100% (eg. set to 90 to keep 10% of tokens)
  • Easy-to-use config file to change a wide variety of settings
  • Price updates every block showing current block, profit multiplier (eg. 1.5x, 2x) and current value of tokens
  • And much more…

Both bots currently support the following networks:

  • Ethereum mainnet (1)
  • BSC Mainnet (56)
  • Polygon Mainnet (137)
  • BSC Testnet (97)

How to start sniping?

To use the bots, you will need to purchase a tier. Once you buy a tier you will have unlimited lifetime access to both bots and any further bots in the future.

You can buy a tier here.

Once you’ve bought a tier, go to the Downloads section and download each bot. Alternatively, download either bot, setup the config with your details and the bot will automatically prompt you to buy a tier.

The following tiers are available:

Tier Price Snipe fee
Bronze 0.5 BNB 10%
Silver 1 BNB 7.5%
Gold 2 BNB 5%
Diamond 10 BNB 0%

(Tier prices subject to change)

The bot has a snipe fee system where if a user makes a profit on a snipe a small fee will be taken from the profit. No fees are taken if the user breaks even or makes a loss.

For example, if a user has a Bronze tier, buys a token with 1 BNB and sells for 10 BNB, they have made a profit of 9 BNB and a 0.9 BNB fee will be taken.